The Wiley-Blackwell website has offered five articles from The Journal of the Historical Society free of charge. Under the

The field of intellectual history of Japan’s Early Modern or Tokugawa period (1600–1868) as practiced in the United States has a unique characteristic. It has produced what one could call, with only a slight exaggeration, an actual subfield of state-of-the-art reflective writing. An unusual number of scholars are keeping themselves busy, at one point or another, surveying the field or, putting it less technically, sizing up their colleagues. An outsider might wonder whether there are actually not more reflecting scholars than practicing historians. And indeed, one could conclude that the United States is running out of scholars that are available for this peculiar subfield because the last one to engage in it (in 2002), James McMullen, is British. Between 1996 and 2002 over half a dozen publications, averaging one a year, addressed in one form or another the “state of the field.” >>> read the complete article here
See this Wiley-Blackwell page for other free articles.
The Journal of the Historical Society
Table of contents, March 2009
"Was Hitler a Riddle?"

Abraham Ascher
"Government, Press, and Subversion in Russia, 1906–19171"
Jonathan W. Daly
"Santa Anna Never Had an iPhone: Some Thoughts on the Price of Peace and the Financial Misfortunes of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848"
Richard J. Salvucci
"The Great Migration and the Literary Imagination"
Steven A. Reich
"Antebellum South Carolina Reconsidered: The Libertarian World of Robert J. Turnbull"
Raymond James Krohn
Do you know how long these articles will be available?
Jonathan, Not sure about that, I'll need to ask George Huppert or Scott Hovey.
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